Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Supplementary task VI

In the1960's version of Lord of the Flies the director is very loyal to the book. Every little detail was squeezed in the portion of movie we were able to view. The first six chapters of the book was shown to us on the movie but seemed to quick and cheesy. All the children also seemed younger than expected and changed the mood of the story. The children in the book seemed slightly older ( dealing with height and size). The movie makes the children also take adult responsibilities when the actors themselves don't seem to have the capacity and the willingness to actually complete the tasks at hand. So the book compared to the movie have little to do with. This gives that effect of children who at first have no clue but matured in seconds this is due mostly to the speed of the movie, screenwriter, and director.

1 comment:

phillywilly said...

good job on the task i dont know what to say but.. sweet